Andreae Filters – Starter

Andreae Design


Load Efficiency


High Solids

Polyester Bi-Components

The Andreae Starter is a low intensity filter intended for least demanding spray booth operations. Developed with the same expectation level as the Original Andreae filters, the Starter is made with 2 layers of “kraft” paper, punched, pleated and glued together.
This product is ideal for a casual use of the spray booth and a great way to start with the Andreae filters range.

Load lb/ft2

Lacquers 2.04

High Solids 2.45

Polyester 2.66

Efficiency %

Lacquers 93.10

High Solids 98.20

Polyester 97.80

Recommended Air Velocity

0.5 to 1 m/s

Pressure drop at / by

0.5m/s 20pa

0.75m/s 30pa

1.0m/s 40pa

Ma. recommended pressure drop

128pa (possible up to 256)